Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Gotham Confidential-The Gauntlet
Gotham Central-Reviews #18
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Gotham Central-Pull List #18
Age of TV Heroes
Batman Has A Drinking Problem
Friday, March 26, 2010
Tonight Is Zur-En-Arrh Night!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Gotham Central-Reviews #17
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Gotham Central-Pull List #17
Monday, March 22, 2010
Twitbits: News from Twitter
Are you on Twitter? Do you follow the Bat-family of creators? If the answer to either of those questions is "no", I suggest you change that ASAP!
Cameron Stewart, (@cameronmstewart) artist on Batman & Robin #6-9 and Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #3 and Dave Baron (@MyZombies), colorist on Detective Comics #861-863 both dropped a little bit of info concerning some future books they are working on.
Baron mentioned that he is the colorist on the upcoming Batman Beyond mini-series, and he also linked and mention the art of Ryan Benjamin, the artist on Batman Beyond.
Also, Stewart has been updating his blog consistently with art from his upcoming issue of The Return of Bruce Wayne, in which we see Cowboy Bruce!
Source: Cameron Stewart's Twitter, David Baron's Twitter
Batman and Darth Vader Battle With Lightsabers

via: /Film
Check Out Chris Sprouse’s Variant Cover For Batman: Return Of Bruce Wayne #1

Source: DC Source Blog
Friday, March 19, 2010
For $5K Cartoon Art Museum's Curator will get Bat-Symbol haircut

In honor of the Cartoon Art Museum's current exhibition, Batman: Yesterday and Tomorrow, CAM Curator Andrew Farago is turning back the clock to 1989. Or, to be more specific, he's turning his head back to 1989. If the Cartoon Art Museum receives $5,000 in donations between now and the evening of April 2, Farago will shave the famed Bat-Symbol into his hair at the Museum's annual WonderCon weekend fundraising party, just as many Bat-Fans did in the months leading up to the release of Warner Bros.' 1989 Batman film.
"My mother thought it was a bad idea 21 years ago, and I'm sure she'd still think it's a bad idea today. I've had plenty of bad haircuts before, but this is the first one I'll be getting for a good cause," said Farago.
Batman: Yesterday and Tomorrow, on exhibit until June 6, 2010, showcases six strikingly different interpretations of the Dark Knight. The exhibit includes artwork by Bob Kane and Bill Finger, Neal Adams, Frank Miller, Pepe Moreno, Jiro Kuwata and others. The exhibit will also feature appearances and conversations by a number of the artists whose work is on display. Full information on the exhibit and artist appearances can be found at .
Donations can be made through CAM's website,; through CAM's Facebook pages, which are accessible through and . Checks can be mailed to the Cartoon Art Museum at 655 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94105; please indicate "Bat-haircut" in the subject line. The Cartoon Art Museum is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit educational museum, and all funds raised from "Holy Haircut, Batman!" will support the museum's public programming and exhibitions.
Source: ComicList
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Gotham Confidential: Gotham News
Gotham Central-Reviews 16
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Red Hood Fans Have Much To Rejoice About

Its a good time to be a Red Hood fan.
Writer Judd Winick and artist Pablo Raimondi will be revealing untold details about the Red Hood in June, with the debut of Red Hood: The Lost Days, a six-issue mini-series. It’s the tale of an angry young man’s transformation into a deadly villain.
Winick spoke to DC’s Source Blog about the upcoming mini:
“I’m thrilled to return to this character, and it’s both a joy and challenge to tackle this new story. LOST DAYS tracks the time from the Red Hood’s rebirth to his return to Gotham. In it, we get to understand this anti-hero in a new way. I think it explains both how he’s sympathetic, and an unrepentant monster. He’s a wonderfully complex character, and I hope this adds some even greater depth to his mythology.”
The series will begin shipping prior to the arrival of the animated Batman: Under The Red Hood DVD arriving in stores this summer. The next entry in the popular ongoing series of DC UNIVERSE Animated Original PG-13 films showcases Batman confronting new enemies, old foes and painful memories as a powerful vigilante with a penchant for violence comes to Gotham to stake his claim on the city.
Winick gave his thoughts on the upcoming DVD:
“I can barely describe the fun and terror that went into adapting two years worth of story into one film, but the results will be something that will knock everyone on their cans. I couldn’t be prouder, and I’m itching for everyone to get a look.”
Source: DC Source Blog
This June - Batman Beyond Returns!

“The dark future of the legendary animated series comes to the DCU in a six-issue miniseries, as Terry McGinniss, Bruce Wayne’s young successor as Batman, faces his deadliest foe yet — a mystery murderer from the Dark Knight’s past! Old faces return, new allies and enemies step into the light, and the partnership between Terry and Bruce — not to mention Terry and Bruce themselves — might not survive!”
Sounds awesome, in the meantime enjoy the cover to the first issue, from superstar artist Dustin Nguyen above.
Source: The Source Blog
Batman Writer Steve Englehart Celebrates The Release Of His New Novel At CAM

Official Press Release
The Cartoon Art Museum welcomes the critically-acclaimed comic book writer and author Steve Englehart for a discussion of his writing career and a booksigning on Wednesday, April 14 2010, from 7pm to 9pm. Englehart and artists Marshall Rogers and Terry Austin collaborated on the DC Comics title Detective Comics in the 1970s, producing a series of fondly remembered and highly influential Batman stories.
Englehart served as DC’s lead writer and oversaw all of their major characters, including Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and The Flash), and his Marvel Comics credits include many of their most popular characters, such as The Avengers, Fantastic Four, Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer and many others. He has written for a number of animated television programs as well, including Street Fighter, G.I. Joe and Captain America.
In 1980, Englehart wrote his first novel, The Point Man, about a disc jockey working on Sutter Street who stumbled into a war between psychic Russian espionage agents and a medieval wizard who managed a rock star—which turned out the be the tip of a very large iceberg. This year sees the release of his follow up novel, The Long Man, published by Tor Books.
The suggested donation for this event is $5. Doors will open at 6:45pm.
The Long Man
Max August, a point man for his platoon in Vietnam, discovered a different kind of war in 1980, a hidden war between the forces of freedom and bondage. Under the tutelage of legendary alchemist Cornelius Agrippa, he began to learn the use of real-world magick in the service of humanity, against those who would control us.
In 1985, Max stopped aging. He became "timeless," the Long Man, and began to live forever in the prime of his life. In the years since, he's worked on perfecting his skills so he can stay alive to fight a war that never ends, because like any warrior, he can be killed. Others have been killed-Agrippa, for one, and Max's wife for another. So he's learned magick, honed his combat skills, and worked every other discipline he could. He calls himself an alchemist with a gun, and he's not wrong.
This past Hallowe'en, Max was summoned to protect Dr. Pamela Blackwell, a beautiful, savvy scientist at the Centers for Disease Control. Dr. Blackwell's research into neurotoxins could save millions of lives, but it has put her in the crosshairs of the FRC, a cabal determined to rule the world through any means possible: military action, economic manipulation, political chicanery . . . and magick. They are utterly ruthless, and they have a deadly reason for keeping Pam's discovery from being made public.
Max and Pam together must travel to Barbados and beyond to destroy Pam's assailants before they destroy her. And when they do, they uncover the reason she was targeted-a monstrous plot by men and women who will literally stop at nothing. Max will have to be more than just timeless to survive everything he'll face as he races to stop a genocide of untold proportions. And Pam must master his real-world ways of magick if she's to have any chance of survival at all.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Gotham Central-Pull List #16
Monday, March 15, 2010
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY edition's packaging, trailer revealed

"Think Batman"
In my honest opinion, it's a little rough around the edges as far as quality goes, but it's still got a nice, relaxed feel to it. It definitely gives reason to check out more of their stuff.
If anyone else has anything that they would like to see posted, or any other suggestions like this, please don't hesitate to contact us via Twitter, Facebook, or E-mail, or you could leave comments below ;)
Beyond Awesome

If you're above the age of 18, you may remember a little show entitled, "Batman Beyond." This animated television series, created and produced by the master, Bruce Timm, depicted an aging Bruce Wayne as he takes on a protege in the form of high school student, Terry McGinnis. The show ran from 1999-2001 on Kids WB before it was canceled unceremoniously. It was almost revived several years later with a college-aged

But why am I sharing all this lovely information with you? Well, as it turns, out, DC Entertainment (as they're now known as) has decided to give Batman Beyond its own 6-issue mini series starting in June!!! BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!!! Not only are we receiving a Batman Beyond mini, but we're also going to be looking at Superman Beyond!!
As you may or may not know, Superman was featured on two episodes of Batman Beyond. I believe Superman Beyond to be about this spin on the character but DC has given us no further details at this point.
Needless to say for all those Batman Beyond fans out there, this is very, very schway.
Gotham City: R. Kelly
What Could Make Batman More Awesome?
Cover Art: First Looks - Finch Batman & Cassaday Doc Savage

Two new pieces of art for you this morning from DC Entertainment. The first shows DC Exclusive artist David Finch's first official cover drawing of Batman ever. Batman #700 will be over-sized and ships in June.
We also have John Cassaday's cover to Doc Savage #1. The cover is a 1:10 variant to help launch the next round of the new classic/noir-style universe alongside the DCU. The full solicitation for this issue is below.
On sale APRIL 14 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US
Written by PAUL MALMONT • Co-feature written by JASON STARR • Art by HOWARD PORTER & Art Thibert • Co-feature art by SCOTT HAMPTON • Cover by J.G. JONES
1:10 variant cover by John Cassaday
The Man of Bronze in his own series at last! Doc Savage is the target of a brazen attack on New York City! Tragedy will strike one of Doc’s compatriots, and someone may not survive the opening pages of “The Lord of Lightning! ” Written by Paul Malmont, national best-selling author of The Chinatown Death-Cloud Peril, with art by Howard Porter (JLA)!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Detective Comics Takes Home a GLAAD Award
The depictions of both Batwoman and The Question are handled in an extremely respectful way that does not downplay their sexuality, nor does it portray them as overtly sexual to the point of it becoming a gimmick.
Greg Rucka treats his work and his characters with such great respect, love, and understanding that all fans of Detective Comics know that this comic definitely deserves to take home this award, as it was praised for so many different reasons.
If you missed the Elegy story line, make sure to pick it up when the Hardcover comes out in June, or you could go ahead and preorder it for $16.49 from
Batwoman: Elegy Deluxe
Source: Detective Comics & GLAAD
Return of Bruce Wayne: Description
The description provided by the solicitations are as follows (MILD SPOILERS):
The most anticipated series of 2010 is here! Superstar writer Grant Morrison tackles his most ambitious project to date with THE RETURN OF BRUCE WAYNE, a special six-part series that chronicles the return of the original man behind Batman's cape and cowl! Each issue spans a different era of time and features the dynamic artwork of one of today's artistic juggernauts, starting with Chris Sprouse (TOM STRONG) on the extra-sized issue #1 and Frazer Irving (SEVEN SOLDIERS: KLARION) on the 40-page issue #2!
Now, I don't believe that we will see much of a deviation from this description for any of the solicitations, as this is what's provided for both issues, most likely we will only see the artists change.
Can we go ahead and start a prayer for Frank Quitely to show up on one of these issues?
Source: The Source
Batman #700 Cover
This is the first bit of official Batman art from David Finch, and it is one of the most breath taking piece of cover art that we have seen recently.
So, by my count, we know three things about Batman #700:
It is coming in June.
At least one cover by David Finch.
Tony Daniel will be involved in some way.
My guess is that it will be a collection of Batman stories in the fashion of an 80 page giant, seeing as advance solicitations and previews will be coming in the next couple of weeks, and based on the track record of DC's The Source Blog, we will be getting loads of amazing information soon.
Source: The Source
Golden Age Batman: Out of Context
This installment comes from Detective Comics #45! Enjoy!
Batman Chronicles, Vol. 2
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Gotham Confidential: Batman & Robin #10
Gotham Central-Reviews #15
Batman 3 News from Nolan
"Without getting into specifics, the key thing that makes the third film a great possibility for us is that we want to finish our story, and in viewing it as the finishing of a story rather than infinitely blowing up the balloon and expanding the story. We have a great ensemble, that's one of the attractions of doing another film, since we've been having a great time for years."
Great start!! But there's more! Nolan also commented on the connection B3 will have to the new Superman movie he's "godfathering."
"Each serves to the internal logic of the story. They have nothing to do with each other."
And that's the whole kit and caboodle.