Batman On Film guest contributor Mark Hughes wrote up an interesting article recently, entitled “Why and How The Joker CAN return in Batman 3.″ In the article Hughes explains exactly how The Joker can be re-used in the next Christopher Nolan directed Batman movie. He has a specific subplot in mind for the film which I thought was perfect. Here's a small dose of the article:
“A subplot about this aspect of the Joker as he relates to Batman and Gotham could be an important addition to the storyline… We need not see an entire new storyline about the Joker menacing all of Gotham. The Joker as a supporting character, much like Lecter’s role in SILENCE OF THE LAMBS was not the main plot but instead the most important narrative element making up subplots and character arcs”
For those not familiar, Anthony Hopkins won an Academy Award for Best Actor in Silence of the lambs, where he only has 16 minutes of screen time helping the protagonist accomplish her goals.
I think this is a brilliant idea and I'd love to see it. What do YOU think?
Source: Batman On Film
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