- Follow the time line from an early point
- Continuity matters
- Avoid cosmic stories
- Unless impossible, ignore stories that include characters outside the Bat-Family
- Seminal stories that mean a lot to the industry mean little to a new reader
- A new Batman reader is going to like anything that has Batman in it, so don't worry about giving something you might consider to be a little less quality than some of the cherished stories.
Follow the time line is self explanatory. In order not to confuse the newbie, it's
Continuity mattering really goes hand in hand with the time line. Avoid giving books like The Dark Knight Returns or Arkham Asylum until after all continuity books have been extinguished. This way, your new reader won't want to blow his or her brains out from trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
The Power Cosmic
Most Batman fans are Batman fans because they love the "realism," or more accurately, the "hyper-realism" of Batman. He exists in the realm of "possible." Therefore, avoid stories that feature Batman outside of his comfort zone. Gotham is "real," so the reader is therefore only comfortable there. No cosmic tales where Batman whips out a laser sword. Unless you're watching Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Then it's ok.
The Bat-Family
Along this line, Batman fans usually don't approve of other non-Bat family heroes alongside Batman. Unless impossible, ignore stories that include characters outside the Bat mythos i.e. The Justice League. I personally love Batman mixing it up with the JLA in space, but most Bat fans don't. Make sure to get approval from your reader before dishing out "Tower of Babel" to them.

Stories that have had a huge influence on the comics industry mean little to a new reader because they don't know the history that makes them important. To them, it's just another story. Don't try and give your reader something like The Dark Knight Returns and expect them to get anything out of it other than it's a damn good tale about how an older Batman kicks ass.
People Love Batman
Finally, a story you might not find appealing might be another person's favorite. Don't hesitate to give a story to someone. Let them decide if they like it or not.
Now, I have a lot of Batman trades (understatement of the century). I've been lucky as to give my friend a healthy (another understatement) load of books. I know not everyone has as many (or has more) books, but here is a rundown of what books to give off based on my list.
- Year One
- Batman: Venom
- Batman and the Monster Men
- Batman and the Mad Monk
- Batman: The Man Who Laughs
- Batman: The Long Halloween
- Catwoman: When in Rome
- Batman: Dark Victory
- The Killing Joke
- Batman: A Death in the Family
- Batman: Haunted Knight
- Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying
- Robin: A Hero Reborn
- Batman: Tales of the Demon
- Batman: Knightfall: Parts I, II, and III
- Batman: Contagion
- Batman: Legacy
- Batman: Catacylsm
- Batman: No Man's Land: I-V
- Batman: The Chalice
- Batman: Harley and Ivy
- Batman: Evolution
- Batman: Officer Down
- Batman: Bruce Wayne: Murderer?
- Batman: Bruce Wayne: Fugitive: I-III
- Batman: Hush
- Batman: Death and the Maidens
- Batman: As a Crow Flies
- Batman: War Drums
- Batman: War Games: I-III
- Batman: Under the Hood - I
- Batman: War Crimes
- Batman: Under the Hood - II
- Batman: Face to Face
- Batman: Detective
- Batman: Batman & Son
- Batman: Detective Comics: The Private Casebook
- Batman: The Black Glove
- Batman: Detective Comics: Heart of Hush
- Batman: R.I.P.
- Battle for the Cowl
- Batman: Long Shadows
- Batman & Robin: Batman Reborn
- Batman: Streets of Gotham: Hush Money

You may have noticed I did not add the events like Infinite Crisis and Final Crisis. This goes back to what I was saying about "cosmic" books. Just leave them out unless ok'ed by your reader. And I think it's best to just explain Batman's "death" in Final Crisis. Hardcore readers were confused. Newbies have no chance.
After you've exhausted your supply of in-continuity books, it's time to dish out the Elseworlds or stand-alones. As far as these go, the choice is yours what you'd like to give. The skies the limit here.
And that, my friends, is how to get your friend into reading graphic novels. The real goal is for them to continue into monthlies. One can hope.
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